Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than those without.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to create killer content.

Get Your Free Content Audit

What’s All The Fuss About Content?

You already know that buyers today have changed dramatically. As digital customers research all of their purchases online, information is unlimited and businesses are drowning in a sea of content. And that means it’s more important than ever before to craft engaging content that makes your prospects sit up and take notice.

With 55% of marketers saying that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority this year, now’s the time to invest in your content, engage with your customers and get ahead of the game. By creating a solid content market strategy, you can craft and share engaging and helpful content that your prospects will want to read. From blogging to downloads and infographics to whitepapers, by getting your brand out there, you can start to engage with your prospects and make sure your business is found, shared, trusted and followed.

Why Content Marketing?

Let’s take things back a step.

Content marketing pretty much does exactly what it says on the tin: it’s about creating and sharing kick-ass content that your potential customers will love. You need to grab the attention of your prospects whilst they’re still in the research phase, showing them how you can solve their problems and why they should choose you over the competition – and the best way of doing that is by creating content that appeals to your audience.

But before you start writing, you need a content marketing strategy to make sure you are creating effective and engaging content that will get you the results you need. First things first, you’ll need to identify your buyer personas so you can craft clever content that answers their questions and solves their problems. Then you’ll need to map out what content you will write, when you will schedule it and where you will share it.

Create  Your Buyer Personas

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We're already reaping the rewards after just a few months with increased traffic and leads too. We also have better connections with our industry thanks to our new, helpful content style - a real testimony to the inbound methodology that Angelfish teach so well.
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Tech Company, Marketing Manager

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We love working with Angelfish; their knowledge, professionalism and consistent delivery of high-quality inbound marketing advice and content is nothing other than exceptional.
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IT Company, Owner

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The inbound campaign has helped turn our website into a lead generation machine. We now have a steady stream of candidate and client enquiries, more so than we’ve ever had digitally; new candidates and new clients are finding us through the optimised content that we’ve consistently published and we’re now ranking for some really good keywords.
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Recruitment Agency, Owner

It’s all about providing helpful and relevant content that educates your prospects and customers but also excites and delights them, wherever they are in the buying cycle. And by planning your content around your buyer personas, you can make sure that every piece of content you create is valuable, giving you the power to appeal to your audience and stand out from the crowd.

Ready To Learn More?

Discover how clever content can help you attract the right customers to your website with our Beginner’s Guide to Better Blogging. It’s packed full of information and advice to get you started, including:

  • Why you need a B2B content marketing strategy in the first place
  • How to find your tone of voice
  • Discovering who your audience is
  • A jargon buster’s approach to content creation
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Get your free content review

We’re on hand to help you transform your content so that it not only helps you stand out from the competition, but also educates, excites and delights your customers.

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Analysis on how inbound-friendly your writing is

Top tips for writing kick-ass content

Tips to create clear conversion path for your readers

We'll even throw in a copy check of your latest content!